Hometown Missions

Home in a Month


Based on community need and inspired and assisted by the organization “Home in a Week,” Dripping Springs Hometown Missions is launching a really cool local mission called Home in a Month. Over the last 12 years, Hometown Missions has helped dozens of families improve their homes, in some cases tearing homes down and replacing with mobile housing.

Lives have been changed.

A number of Hometown Missions’ board members as well as our volunteers have participated in Home in a Week, and based on that model, we decided to launch our own rapid building process. We can’t do it in a week due to permitting, city regulations, and the overall scope of a project to build a new home in our community.

But we think we can do it in a month. AND, we’ll need the whole community’s participation and help.


Contact Us

Hometown Missions
PO Box 867
Dripping Springs, TX 78620

